Hello There Macintosh User! If you are getting this email you have sometime been a client of mine — Thank you for your past custom!
Like the Mr Mac Facebook page for regular updates: https://www.facebook.com/mrmacbyronbay
Website/blog: http://www.mrmacintosh.com.au
A regular complaint is lack of space on our beloved iPhones. But what to do apart from buy one with more storage? Here’s help: https://www.cnet.com/au/how-to/tricks-to-free-up-space-on-your-iphone/
TippyTalk translates pictures into text messages which are then sent to a family member or carer’s phone. http://www.tippy-talk.com
These free web based graphics editors by Pixlr, called Editor and Express, can do a lot of things to your images which can then be saved to your computer. Access to free images and fonts too. https://pixlr.com
4. CONNECT YOUR DIVERSE DEVICES: This mob, Pushbullet, aim to get all your different devices — Android, iOS, Mac and Windows talking to each other. A noble aim indeed for those who don’t want to get everything from Apple. Why not say I? https://www.pushbullet.com
5. A NOTES APP ON STEROIDS: Pocket lets you save almost anything to one place for access later across any device. Videos, text, images and any content can be grabbed from anywhere to be accessed anytime you like. Free. https://getpocket.com
6. CREATE YOUR OWN IBOOKS: This free app from Apple enables the easy creation of iBooks from your writings so you can get that novel online at last! https://www.apple.com/ibooks-author/
7. THE UNARCHIVER OPENS ANYTHING: Boasting more format capabilities than Apple’s own Archive Utility, which is the built-in program for the extraction of archive files, you should be able to get at anything with this. Free. http://unarchiver.c3.cx/unarchiver
8. TIME MACHINE SCHEDULER: Many people don’t want Time Machine running as often as it does — hourly — and would rather schedule the backups themselves. Enter this free app that does just that. But please don’t miss that backup! http://klieme.com/TimeMachineScheduler.html
9. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR MOBILE DATA USE: When you use your iPhone or any other mobile internet device you generally have a limited amount of data and might often use it up. Control is restored to you with TripMode which stops random apps accessing the internet and using your data allowance, usually in the background! You can adjust it to your preferred uses. It has a free trial to see if it works for you, then US$8. https://www.tripmode.ch
10. A Reminder of My rates I charge $110 per hour including GST. No call-out fee or travel charge in the Byron Shire. Half hour minimum. Telephone support costs the same in 15 minute increments Email support is still free! Please include plenty of detail in your email inquiries.
Serving the Byron Macintosh community for over 14 years. Until next time, Thank you Tommi ;>) 0418 408 869