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1. Goodbye Photoshop?: You may have noticed that Adobe are moving the entire Adobe Creative Suite to a monthly subscription model with immediate effect despite thousands of howls of outrage! This means you rent Photoshop, InDesign or any of the other programs. More revenue for Adobe. There is an alternative to Photoshop called GIMP. This is a free, Open Source application that does much of what Photoshop can do. It will take a bit of getting used to if you are a regular Adobe person, but perhaps this is the time to change? http://www.gimp.org
2. ChargeCard: A thin credit card sized USB cable to charge your device when you’re out and about without all your cables. http://www.chargecardproject.com
3. iFlyPad: If you want to suspend your iPad or iPhone by sticking it to a surface then this suction device could be the answer. Almost to market, they also offer branding of the device for your business. http://www.spicy-innovations.com
4. Photoshop Plugin for Digital Images: This is a $25 solution to upsizing and downsizing images while retaining as much quality as possible. The same company have a heap of filters and Photoshop Actions for sale. http://fredmiranda.com/shopping/SIpro
5. A Better Calendar: It’s also called Calendar like Apple’s version, but has better features and supports other calendars that Apple’s doesn’t. Free. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/calendar/id415181149?mt=12
6. The Like Effect: Local business mentoring particularly in social media, specialising in Facebook for business. All businesses need a good Facebook page. http://www.thelikeffect.com
7. Scrivener: Some readers of this monthly update are writers, some would-be writers. Scrivener could be for you. It’s a word processor and project manager in one so all your research is at hand while you write. Could be a winner for $45 with a free download and trial first. http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php
8. FotoMagico: An award winning program that does one thing and does it really well: create slideshows from photos. Of course you can add music and video too and then get an app for the iPhone so you van control the slideshow from across the room from your computer. Not cheap at $99 and $4.99 for the iPhone app, but if you are a professional slideshow user it will be worth it. http://www.boinx.com/fotomagico/ 9. Photo Samurai: Have fun with your photos for a dollar. Chop them up to look like multiple images in one. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photo-samurai/id670836873?mt=12
10. Shade: One click on the Shade icon means you hide everything on your desktop and it stays away while you work. Click again to get it all back. Very simple, free app to do one thing. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shade/id546881298?mt=12
11. Items for Sale: Is a free service. If you want to list something for sale send me the full description/specifications and contact details.
I charge $110 per hour including GST. No call-out fee or travel charge in the Byron Shire. Half hour minimum. Telephone support costs the same in 15 minute increments. Email support is still free! Please include plenty of detail in your email inquiries. Serving the Byron Macintosh community for over 12 years. Until next time, Thank you Tommi ;>)