Apple has previewed iOS8 and OSX 10.10 – called Yosemite – at the World Wide Developer Conference. They will be released in a few months, for free of course.
Among the many new features – always new features! – are some extremely useful ways to make our computing life easier. We will now be able to share data from iDevice to computer easily. This can’t happen soon enough for me. You will actually be able to begin an email or create a document on your iPhone and complete it on your Mac or iPad. This seems to happen automatically. There will be a built-in iCloud Drive which will work in a similar way to Dropbox except that its a part of the operating system rather than a seperate app that has to be downloaded and registered. You can make and answer phone calls from your Mac via your iPhone. And many more…
We will be hearing a lot more about all this stuff nearer to the relase but meanwhile check out the buzz.
